Build 2293 Update Posted

Multiple improvements and bug fixes have been uploaded, particularly for folks with project files that were previously having trouble loading tests, as well as updates to the ‘build’ phase before tests run.

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4 Responses to “Build 2293 Update Posted”

  1. Michael Says:

    Downloaded TextMatrix Trial on 2 different PCs, installed on Visual Studio 2005 Pro. I was immediately greeted with a “License expired” message.
    Check for Update says that 2008.2.0.2296 is installed and that one Update is available - 2008.2.2.2293.
    TestMatrix => Options does nothing.

    Too bad, looked like an interesting product.

  2. Will Says:

    Indeed, if you’ve tried 2.0 before, the license is preserved and will stay expired. Email us at support@ and we’ll get you a new trial license.

  3. Dan Arnold Says:

    Is there any documentation for this product?
    If so, where can I find it. Preferably a PDF that can be read off-line.


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