It Was Mailframe

After having Mailframe and TestRunner in the market for 3 years now, we’ve decided to take things a bit more ‘company’. First off – Mailframe doesn’t say anything about what we’re doing, Exact Magic does. We’re looking to provide programmers with tools that work for you. Taking the drudgery out. Collecting data in the background. Automating common tasks. We want it to seem like magic.

StudioTools is the combination of TestRunner and CodeSpell, along with some new and rather cool navigation tools that let you get right to your types (Alt-G) or open a file by quick name match (Alt-O). We’ve incorporated hundreds of user’s feedback based on TestRunner 2005. The biggest thing, we made it a lot faster. Coverage and profiling is really fast. In our solutions, we’ve seen overhead as low as 25% in running unit tests to collect coverage metrics. The idea here is coverage that is so fast, you can leave it on all the time. Folks that have licenses for TestRunner 2005 or CodeSpell 2005 should contact us about upgrade pricing.

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2 Responses to “It Was Mailframe”

  1. Chris Buckett Says:

    Are you going to redirect traffic from the old mailframe website to this website? The mailframe website is still advertising the old products.

  2. Jason Short Says:

    I applaud your name change. It takes guts to make that move with an existing site and product line. But it really makes sense, and I like the new name.

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